I will be continuing as the webTA for physics 102 for the 3rd time now. As with every other year, I hope that I can continue to make this online resource more and more useful. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve the online materials, I am always open to suggestions. You can contact me through the blog, discussions or by email (webta101 at physics.mcgill.ca) with your ideas.
This year the webTA persona will take on three aspects:
- the static site with examples and explanations
- this blog, where answers to your most common questions will be answered in some detail
- the WebCT discussion forum, to provide a more interactive environment for providing answers
For the sake of my email inbox, I will ask you to refrain from emailing me questions. Instead, I suggest you either post your question to the discussion boards (where you may find a friend will answer before I get a chance!) or post your question in one of the "topic open" posts as a comment on the blog. There are a few groundrules for asking questions that I suggest you check before asking. This has worked out for two years so far, so let's try to stick with it. Also, while the WebCT discussion board will always leave your name, anything posted to the blog will remain anonymous. You can post questions here anonymously and when I post answers I will never include your name. I hope this encourages you to ask any question you want even if you might feel it is "stupid". Often those solve the most trouble and end up being the most worthwhile.
One great thing about you being the 3rd year to have access to this is that there is a considerable compilation of previous students' question now on the blog. I'm hoping to move a few of these examples over to the static site, but for now if you are having a problem I suggest you check backposts of the blog for possible answers. I've tried to label all the posts with their relevant topics and a list is available in the sidebar under "post topics". You can also use the search bar at the top and hit "search blog" to search within the archives. You may not find exactly what you are looking for, but it might give you a starting point, and a better place to start asking questions.
A couple more things: I may (likely) not be able to answer every single question (the webTA is a single person, me, and not a collection of TA's and I only have so many hours to work on this). My strategy in the past has been to post about the most common problems (eg: 2 people ask about the same problem, and someone else asks about a related concept). This means that you can't solely rely on the webTA for help. Which brings me to my other point: I hope that you will see this as an additional resource and not a replacement for the regular tutorials. It is often easier to sit down face-to-face with a real TA to work out what you are having trouble with. Make use of whatever resources you need.
Good luck, and I look forward to a good semester working with you!
Sarah :)
1 comment:
WebTA here, testing anonymous commenting. If you see this it works!
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