- The static site
- The blog (right here)
- The WebCT discussion forum
The static site will stay mostly the same as last year. I hope to add maybe one or two new examples written out in full, however, most new material will stay here on the blog.
The blog will be continually updated with answers to your questions. Old posts will never be taken down so that you can learn from the puzzlings of your predecessors. As I've upgraded to the newer version of blogger, there are now labels for all the topics so things should be easier to find. You can also use the blog search to in the toolbar at the top to search for more specific things within the blog site. I will periodically open the floor for questions via a "topic opening" post to which you can add a comment with your question on that topic. Until such time as it becomes a problem (and I hope it won't), you may post anonymously. I would most prefer you ask questions this way as this allows other students to see what others are finding difficult. Also please read these guidelines for posting questions.
I will also hopefully have access this year to the webCT discussions. This would allow me to pop in periodically and sort of "chat" with you and give me a better idea of where you need help, as well as allow me to give quick explanations to little things you have questions about. I won't be a moderator (I don't have that kind of time), but if I see inappropriate discussions I will have to mention it, so please moderate your selves and your peers. If I notice that lots of people are having the same problems I will likely write up a blog post here and direct you all to it. If I do get access to the discussions, I may set up some sort of "virtual office hours" where I will regularly log in, and try to make them outside of regular tutorial or office hours (say, for example, a weekend time).
You can also contact me by email (in the sidebar). I have a few requests however... first, please use a mcgill address for this (I want to know emails are from students in the class and not random people who found the site), second, it is quite unlikely I will be able to reply to each email individually. If you have a question, then it may be answered on the blog, and I will let you know when an answer is posted. If you have a technical question I will try to make sure it is resolved, and may ask you to try again.
A note on questions: not all will be answered. This depends highly on the volume of traffic and questions received, however, last year (especially at the end of term... hint, hint... don't wait!) I could not keep up entirely. Please be patient, as I might not get to them immediately, and I will give priority to groups of similar questions by many students. The "webTA" is one person (me) not a group of TA's, and as such there is a limit to the amount I can do and how fast I can do it. ;)
One last thing... I'd like the webTA sites to act as an additional resource for the class. Please make use of your tutorials; there's nothing like talking to a real person when you need help. With that, I hope you find the webTA project helpful, and I'm always listening for new suggestions!
Good luck!