12 April 2006

WebTA signing off

Well, I've had an interesting semester experimenting with this WebTA project. I have to say I missed having contact with you the students in tutorials, but it's been interesting to get your questions and challenging to try to answer them effectively over the web. Watching the traffic on the site it seems many of you are using the material I've been providing. I hope this means you have found all this helpful and have learned something from what I've posted here. I'll take this last opportunity to remind you that you can still provide feedback by filling out my survey and returning it to my mailbox (see post WebTA survey), or by emailing me or commenting here.

I wish you all the best with your courses and exams. Try to stay clear-headed for exams. Get sleep. Breath deep. Give yourself the chance to think on the exam... very often it is more effective that those last couple of hours of cramming.

Good bye and Good luck!


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